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Cases From Mesoamerica Presented By Ardy Clarke


Updated: Feb 5, 2023

(by Mike Jamieson)

Book#2 of encounter cases by Ardy Clarke:

Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica

2015~~New Page Books (The Career Press, Inc)

4 sections with 46 chapters and cases


From 2003 to 2010 Ardy Clarke took 14 trips to Mesosmerica during semester breaks from teaching at Montana State University.

When she was in high school, she had become fascinated with the books of 2 explorers, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, who during the 19th century traveled the region occupied by the Maya and in their books helped the outside world become more aware of the signs of their ancient culture.

“By the time I made my first trip, I decided not only to re-create the adventurers’ journey but to also search out those sites with legends related to Sky People and extraterrestrials.”

Altogether (over the several years of touring there) she interviewed 92 people. This volume relates the stories of half that number.

She was assisted by local guides/drivers/interpreters who she had hired after vetting them through emails and phone calls. All had a UFO interest. Buddy, the first guide/driver profiled in this book, was also a teacher on break.

The people who she interviewed were surprised to see her pay or gift THEM following her interviews of them. “Most of the participants were people who lived as their ancestors did thousands of years ago”:

~~55% owned cell phones.

~~92% never used a computer.

~~61% had seen a TV, 40% owned one.

~~”None were seeking notoriety, and only a few approached me about telling stories.”

~~Most were “rural people who farmed the land or worked at various archaeological sites as vendors, tour guides, professional drivers, or hotel employees. More than half … ranged from 60 to 99 years old; the youngest was 12. All participants lived in the countries of Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, or Mexico.”

~~Cultural factors included her experience that “women were less likely to speak with me”. Those who did were encouraged by someone very close to them. Also, she found that there were those “who feared the aliens….The fear of devil’s and curses colored many perceptions of their encounters. Those were sometimes viewed within the context of Christian religious doctrines and symbols combined with ancient religious priorities and their own interpretation of events”.

Section One

Seven cases from Belize. Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 6 profiled in this paper.

Chapter Two

Witness: Stephen, a farmer. Distant cousin of Clarke’s guide/driver in Belize ( Buddy).

Entity Description: Different types. “Some looked human….Some looked taller and whiter than me….Others only looked a little like a human.” The latter “did not reach my shoulders” in height, had large eyes, were without evident emotion, and had “strange skin, very wrinkled and scaly”. Witness states that these smaller beings “were not in charge”. Also, they had “power over my body and mind”.

The entities in his initial contact at around the age of 3 are described this way:. “I was tending my little garden that my father set aside for me, when white balls of light burst out of the sky and dropped to the ground around me. Out of the balls of light came these little men”.

Craft Description:. In the early 1950s, the witness (at around age 3) and his father see “lights zip around the sky at night”. The next day the event described above happened. In her excerpting of her taped interview with Stephen, Clarke appears to focus in reporting on activities as craft details are essentially nonexistent.

Activities Described/Experienced: From the age of 3 through 9, Stephen remembers episodic visitations to his small backyard garden by 4 small entities appearing out of small balls of light. He was told to keep everything a secret. Around the age of 10, Stephen realized that during the several visits to his garden, they were taking him aboard a craft.

When asked, he didn’t consider this negative but definitely annoying as he realized they were studying his every move, like when he worked on putting a puzzle together. He resisted only briefly as “with a look they can paralyze you” and “make you forget things”.

At some point he learns that their project entails creating a clone of himself, who he mets and over time absorbs Stephen’s knowledge and ways as a farmer.

The last visitation was the night Stephen graduated from college. They “took me onboard and told me they were finished with me….My double had learned what he needed to know. He would be a farmer like me on another planet, and I had taught him all he needed to know. They never thanked me. I think it is a concept they don’t understand….”

Chapter Three

Witnesses: Ardy’s driver/guide introduces her to an elderly man, “Raul Manuel”, who lived in his grandfather’s village. Buddy (her driver and a school teacher on break) told Ardy that this man has been openly sharing his experiences that started two days before his ninth birthday, so September 9, 1919 was when the first encounter occurred.

Buddy became aware himself at a young age of this man’s stories. “Raul” at this young age was already being taught by his grandfather about plants, medicinal and otherwise. That appears to be something “others” noticed.

Another witness in this story, aside from other villagers noticing Raul’s absences and UFO sightings apparently related to his return, is a young boy here named “Miguel”. Raul was mentoring Miguel in the world of plant life.

Ardy describes their village as small with “shacks made of tin and plywood [dotting] the landscape with an occasional stone home”. The scene as Buddy drives her into the village includes lazy dogs moving slowly out of the way from the car, chickens fleeing, and shy villagers looking on.

Entity Description: The beings Raul associated with were similiar in appearance to humans except that “their eyes were larger than humans. Big round eyes, mostly black eyes [and] a few brown eyes…”

During the time he assisted these beings in his childhood, Raul would work with other children who appeared to represent different species of beings: “They were not Maya [like Raul]. One had slanted eyes. One was dark, almost black. My favorite was a boy with small hands—almost half my size. His skin was so white and his hair was white. He had green and yellow eyes that changed color with the light. He spoke a language I had never heard, and yet we all understood each other. There were many languages spoken there in the disk, but we all understood each other…”

Craft Description: The main craft in this case is a large one, stationed somewhere in our solar system. It seems to serve as a plant nursery. The only clue about it’s distance from Earth is Raul’s description of the apparent size of Earth as viewed from this craft: a soccer ball. (With the Earth seeming like an oversized beach ball from the moon and a large bright star from Mars, the craft is somewhere beyond the moon but short of Mars.)

“It was like a huge silver sombrero….It was lighted but the lights were greenish everywhere but in the plant room…The disk was circular and there were living quarters all around the outside for the workers. Toward the center, outside the garden, the men who took me worked there. They were scientists, I think. Maybe botanists. The garden was located along the back side of the disk, away from the place where the leaders worked. At the end of the garden was a room full of beds stacked on top of each other. The children gardeners slept there. I did, too, when I was with them. The garden contained trees and plants from all over the world. There were birds, some I had never seen. A water tank kept the plants alive…”

Raul then mentioned that he sometimes saw them sending out “smaller craft to collect water”. He further described the craft (generally functioning as a nursery] as huge with three levels, with the top occupied by the beings “who operated the city”, the middle level for dining and relaxing, and the bottom including the garden and sleeping quarters.

Activity Description: Just two days prior to his ninth birthday, Raul was out at night alone when he was “taken into the sky by a bright light” and then found himself in a “strange place” with “dull gray metal” everywhere that was “cold to the touch”. But, he then remembered being “led down a long hall” into a hot “area that was like a forest with trees and flowers”. Noting that it smelled of damp soil and flowers, he said that he joined some boys, all different alien species described in the entity description section above. They planted trees from in the village and also some area medicinal leaves, with Raul guiding them on the ways to do so for these plants.

It would appear that Raul had been noticed by this other intelligence already planting fruit and medicinal trees throughout his home village, under the training of his grandfather. “When I was a boy, I would go into the jungle looking for small trees. Fruit trees. Coconut trees. I planted them in people’s yards so they would have food…” Today: “This young man, Miguel, is like me. He loves trees and plants them all over the village.”

After the first incident in 1919, Raul says he told no one what happened, only that he got lost and fell asleep. He even thought the event was a dream. By the third trip, this time initiated in the daytime, he realized it was for real.

Raul described to Ardy how his role changed when he became a young man: “I became a teacher of small children. I worked with scientists teaching them the mystery of the plants they retrieved from the jungles. I showed them how to prepare them. I discovered we had diseases on Earth they had never known, and they had diseases I had never known.”

Raul further related the following glimpses into the culture and planetary home of these beings:

~~~He was aware of several trips they took to their home planet (during his lifetime) and he went on some of them himself.

~~~”It was a desert. It was a purple-gray land. There were no trees or rivers. Only dust and rocks. Dust and wind. They lived underground and tapped deep underwater reserves. At one time, there was a large above-ground civilization, but they were forced underground. Despite their advanced knowledge, there were problems they did not forsee. Artificial light was not like natural light, and a high percentage of their people suffered mental problems. But today that is no longer a problem. Many of their stories were told about life when they lived above ground.”

~~~Raul was told only generally that several catastrophes struck the planet; the beings seemed unwilling to elaborate. They now lived in massive underground caves. The planet itself is “several times larger than Earth” and are temperature controlled. Raul described different sections as “hot and moist”, others dry and cooler, and some like the desert.

~~~”They live all together. There is no private property. Everything is owned and given to you by the community. There were couples like we have in marriage. Children were born, but for the first few years they remained in a nursery and couples took turns taking them to their quarters to spend the nights. The whole community raised the children. They did not have a mother and father as we do.”

~~~After time in the nursery, the children essentially become independent with their own quarters. There were no limitations or separate roles for men and women. Most of the work focus was on planning to find ways for restoring above-ground living. They ate vegetables and fruit from all over the universe. Their diet was mostly raw. The civilization had no money or currency exchange amongst themselves. Precious metals were used in trading with other civilizations.

On her next trip to the region (the following winter on Christmas break), Ardy tries to followup on this case but learns that Raul died three months after her visit. During her visit, Raul had told her he was preparing Miguel to take over for him (assisting the beings he worked with). He talked with Ardy about having Miguel go to college and be trained as a botanist. That desire was enabled, as Miguel’s mother would relate to Ardy during her subsequent visit.

Raul had left a note saying he was leaving everything for Miguel. Miguel’s Mom found bars of gold under Raul’s bed and cashed them in. (Ardy was frustrated by the Mom not exhibiting too much curiosity about the strange markings on them, obviously something that could have been explored.)

Miguel was sent to boarding school, where staff reported back that he periodically went missing for short stretches (even after being locked into his room!).

Ardy was told by Buddy that the year before she met Raul, that Raul had distressed the village community by missing for two weeks. The family rallied the village to search for him.

People assumed he had injured himself in an isolated location and couldn’t get back home. They couldn’t find him. “One night, about midnight, he returned home. Several people saw a bright light that turned the whole village from night to day. They believe a UFO brought him home.”

Chapter Four

Witness:. “Alexandro Jean”, manager of small boutique hotel where Ardy stayed during her stay in Belize City. In the course of him telling his story to her, he references a sighting that had just occured over Belize City and asks her if she saw it. She had, during her first night in Belize City when her driver Buddy took her on a tour of the city that would include the experience of a “five-minute sighting of a UFO hovering over Belize City”.

This is one of those cases where Ardy was approached and not referred by a guide. She naturally was curious how the manager knew she collected stories. He revealed that one of the security guards overheard a conversation between her and her guide. Word of Ardy’s interest gets to him and he finds her interesting, or “curious”: “A woman alone, traveling Belize looking for UFOs…”. He becomes even more intrigued when she informs him that she’s also retracing the travels of Stephens and Catherwood.

Alexandro tells her that he has observed her easy-going and approachable manner with the locals and tells her he has a story from many years before, when he was 18 and living in a small Belize village 60 miles outside Belize City.

The incident he relates also was witnessed by 3 other boys his age.

Entity Description:. Looked a little similiar to humans but with “unusually high foreheads”. They had very thin hair set back on the head and we’re taller and thinner than us.

“They wore strange uniforms. They were two-piece. The shirt was like a tunic that came down over the waistband of the pants. The pants were tucked into boots. The strangest part about their uniforms was that when they moved about, the color changed to match their environment…”

Craft Description:. Cylindrical, or as described like a long gas tank “dull and dark” in color. Before seeing it in the plaza, the teenage boys all smelled “a strange, unfamiliar odor which Alexandro was unable to describe.

Activity Description: Alexandro and three other teens went to a deserted and overgrown Mayan city outside their city to get drunk. The others were a cousin, a best friend and the friend’s brother.

After smelling a strange odor, as they approached this ancient and abandoned site, they emerged from out of the tree canopy and saw the craft as described above.

The young men briefly debated whether to get adult men from the village and also, for a moment pondered if they were witnessing American military on a special operation. Four occupants were seen “walking around it, occasionally stopping and recording something in a glowing tablet they carried”.

Then: “After a few minutes they walked towards the temple, but they did not climb the stairs; they walked through the stairs. We were all struck speechless.”

Alexandro explained to Ardy that he and his companions knew there was a cave underneath the temple, having discovered the entrance when younger, and that was something they kept secret. They were protective of the artifacts. So, they decided to approach that entrance carefully, hiding behind foliage and “the scattered remains of other buildings”.

At this point, the four beings reappeared and that is when the young men saw their features more closely. They also heard them speaking in a completely unfamiliar language and had the impression they were looking for something.

Next, they observed the beings moving west towards a completely overgrown temple behind the main temple the beings had just exited. As they carefully followed the beings, they were again shocked to see them go through this other temple in the same manner as before, this temple appearing as a mountain of trees and grass.

At this point, one of the young men got the idea to board the craft and as he began running towards the plaza, his comrades followed him. When they got to the edge of the plaza, “the strange men reappeared out of nowhere. Like a puff of smoke”. The young men were now seen but there was no interaction as the beings instantly disappeared. Within less than a minute, they saw the craft start to ascend.

The craft hovered overhead briefly just above the trees. The young men had the impression they were being examined. Then with quick zig zag movements it was gone. This incident was during the late afternoon before nightfall.

The incident left the boys so rattled that they didn’t go ahead with their drinking plans. This would be their last drinking party anywhere. “Jean said it was a sign. We should give up drinking.”

Chapter Six

Witness:. “Enrique” is the head waiter of a hotel restaurant and, as in the previous case, approached Ardy after hearing she collected stories. Ardy had already observed him for a week after he had introduced himself after checking in to the hotel earlier: “he ruled the dining room with an iron hand,” paid “meticulous attention to detail,” and spoke the local Mayan dialect, Spanish, English, and French.

Entity Description: Enrique first saw 2 rolling balls of light and then 2 small beings (size of a child) emerge from them. Skin color between white and gray, heads pointed at chin, very skinny arms and legs. “The truth is they looked like insects.” Enrique also noted that their “strange suits” blended with the appearances and color of their immediate environment.

Craft Description:. Shaped like a gas tank. Dull gray. No sound. Small indentations at the top. Size five times the length and three times the circumference of the tanks brought by truckers to replenish gas stations. “The strangest thing was as I was watching it, it seemed to vanish before my eyes and then reappear again. It did this twice. Once when it was flying north to south and then again when it flew south to north….”

Activity Description:. The owner of the hotel and restaurant sent Enrique on an errand to the city, which he left home for at 6am in order to arrive when shops first opened and he would be able to be back at the restaurant for the dinner rush. While on the road, he stopped as the sun was rising to smoke a cigarette and shake off sleepiness. This is when he saw the craft, dropping to his knees in fear (details of craft behavior and appearance described above). After the craft came back a second time, and then vanished instantly before his eyes, he decided to hide behind the back of his van. He assumed he hadn’t been seen. While excited by what he was seeing, he was aware of abduction stories and didn’t want that experience.

Thinking the craft was gone, and that he was safe, he returned to the driver’s side of the van to leave. He heard the sound of a “car door slamming” and turned around, assuming someone else had also seen the massive cylindrical craft. This is when he saw approaching him two blinding “rolling balls of light”, then the 2 entities described above emerging as the balls of light disappeared.

The UFO seemed to move directly over him, which is when he noted a “sickening smell” and then the beings disappearing as he is concurrently feeling the loss of consciousness.

His next memory is sitting behind the wheel of the van with a headache and sore throat, feeling chilled while also heavily sweating. He tried to utter a prayer but had no voice. He opened the door and collapsed to the ground. After sitting awhile, he crawled back in and called his boss on his cell phone but couldn’t speak. Eventually he heads out to complete his errand.

Enrique’s trip altogether should have taken 6 hours but it was 12 hours long and he was late for the dinner crowds. He told his boss what happened, who in turn told him that if he relates that story to him again he would be fired.

Enrique also reported that his wife thought he was crazy and covering up meeting another woman. He asks Ardy to talk to her, which she did, explaining to her that there were many other similiar accounts reported by very credible people. Relieved, the wife kisses her husband all over his face.

Section Two

There are 13 cases from Guatemala presented in this section. I will profile four: chapters 11, 16, 17, 21.

Her guide and driver for the travels through Guatemala is Mateo, a secondary school headmaster and teacher on a school break (like her guide Buddy in Belize). Mateo also had a master’s degree in anthropology and history.

Ardy meets Mateo in the morning after having spent the whole night up in ruins outside Copan. A man had guided her there, apparently inspired by a local shaman’s ideas about Ardy, to see if there would be a response from the other intelligences. Intelligently operating orbs appear, one coming close to Ardy and the man guiding her there, and a follow-up and close sighting of a large circular craft appeared. Ardy is asked by Mateo at the drive to Guatemala City if she had seen the circular ufo he and others had seen in town that night. She stays quiet regarding her experiences for the moment, with an incident the next night possibly tied to that sighting/encounter in Copan the previous night. That case from Guatemala City is profiled in Chapter Eleven.

Chapter Eleven

Witnesses: This case involves an incident at the hotel Ardy and Mateo check in after arriving very late in Guatemala City. This boutique hotel is owned by Mateo’s brother. Ardy has not slept since her all night excursion in Copan. She ignores the call to her room from Mateo, which would have alerted her to a sighting of a UFO over the hotel. The main witness in this case is a waiter named Eduardo in the hotel restaurant who was briefly abducted on his way home following his shift.

A hotel worker taking a smoke break sees a UFO over the hotel and rushes in to alert a crowd at the bar (including Mateo). The next morning Mateo describes to Ardy the craft and let’s her know that the waiter Eduardo had a close encounter on his way home.

Entity Description: Four small beings, 4 feet tall, wearing helmets and large googles that obscure their facial features. They were dressed in white. Also observed was a tall and bony man with thinning white hair. Eduardo interacts with the four small beings while the taller one remains focused on instruments.

Craft Description:. Mateo: “It was circular, like a brightly lighted wheel. It hovered over the hotel. I would say it covered the whole building. Probably about 50 feet in circumference…At one point it tipped slightly and witnesses claimed they saw humanoid forms inside a translucent area on one side of the craft. I did not see that. Individual blue lights circled the entire craft.” And: “The lights changed as the rotation increased and turned to orange. The lights turned red when it moved away to the east.”. Ardy responds: “Really!?! This is astonishing. When I was in Copan, I went into the ancient city at night. I saw a UFO. It was like a rotating wheel. At first I thought I was dreaming. It was about the same size you described. I remember looking at my companion and he seemed to be in a trance. I pinched myself really hard…..and realized I was fully awake”.

Activity Description:. Eduardo finished his shift after being one of the crowd witnessing the UFO and headed home a mile and a quarter away. There he saw the same type of UFO described above (he notes like a bicycle wheel spinning around) coming from the west and then hovering over where he lived (which was his Mom’s house).

He saw a bright blue light coming down from the craft and feels re-charged and calm. As a follower of the dominant (over Catholicism) fundamentalist Protestant Pentecostal movement in his region, he believes he is at this point seeing a “Jesus miracle”.

But when the blue light changes to a white one, he becomes afraid. He hears voices telling him to be calm, that everything is ok. He becomes paralyzed and feels his feet leaving the ground.

Once onboard the craft, four small beings tell him that the Mayan people, like Eduardo, have a special heritage and that the “knowledge from the stars has always been hidden in the Mayan hieroglyphs but that they have never been deciphered correctly”.

Eduardo is made to feel that he is a messenger to “tell people to get ready” for big changes that will bring a new world after wars, “Earth shaking”, and starvation from a heated (“burning”) world.

Eduardo is reluctant to share this with everyone as he is conditioned by the local Church of God Pentecostal church to believe that UFOs “come from the Devil”. He tells Ardy and Mateo that when tried to explain all this to his Mom right afterwards, she chews him out, saying “the Pentecostals were the devil’s and not the Sky Men”.

Mateo convinces Eduardo to meet the local Catholic father and leave the Protestant Church, so given a break from waiting tables, Eduardo sets off with Ardy and Mateo to do just that.

Chapter Sixteen

Witnesses: The three daughters, and one of their cousins, of Mateo’s sister (an English teacher eager to meet Ardy). They related a very recent encounter that happened in their small village outside of Guatemala City.

Entity Description: Four small beings, very skinny with “long, bony arms”. Eyes all red. Heads larger than humans, body smaller in lower portion. Dressed alike with suits sparkling when briefly moving out of the shadows. A belt of some type was noted.

Craft Description: Circular object with white lights around the bottom.

Activity Description: The four young women had gone to the village plaza on a Saturday night to dance. This was three weeks prior to Ardy interviewing them.

They stayed until around midnight and then the four of them started walking home. They soon caught some movement out of the corner of their eyes. They assumed “it was local boys playing a trick on us” and they yelled at them to identify themselves. No response. (Why they thought it was four boys they knew will be explained shortly.)

One of the young women suddenly screamed and the others found that attempts to move towards her was not possible, as they were immobilized. Then they saw the four beings clearly. When they all screamed at once, they were released from an immobilized state.

As they started to run, they saw the craft, which they observed moving over them and then descending in front of them just above the road. Finally, it shot upward and was gone in seconds”.

The girls explained to Ardy that they saw no weaponry but that the minds of the beings was their “weapon”. “They were playing with our minds” which was apparent to the girls by hearing the voices of four young men who were their friends. The voices urged that they go for a walk and also to go dancing. One of the girls related that for a brief moment the four beings looked like their friends.

One of the girls tells Ardy that she was worried about being abducted because she had seen a show on TV once about alien abductions. Ardy asks her if she thought seeing that program affected her memory of what was experienced and was told this was “not a movie ànd it was not imagination. I am still haunted by those red eyes”.

At the time of the incident, three were in high school and one in college. Ardy followed up on them: all became school teachers.

Chapter Seventeen

Witness: A Maya farmer, introduced by Mateo after Ardy spends the night at his sister’s house (where she has already recorded the story shared in Chapter 16). Mateo served as translator to this Mayan-speaking witness (“Hector”) while they all had breakfast. Encounter also experienced by Hector’s brother.

Entity Description:. Small humanoid (3 and 1/2 feet tall), who walked stiffly with short steps. His feet were round and large in relation to overall body. The being wore a brown one-piece suit covering head, hands and feet. A covering over the face prevented Hector from discerning facial features.

Craft Description: “It was round like two plates turned upside down together. It was brown—dull, dark brown, like rusted metal.”

Activity Description:. Hector and his brother were working in their corn field when they decided to stop at 2pm due to the heat. As they prepared to leave, they notice a descending craft over nearby trees. It hovers just above the ground and they notice the small being floating to the ground. He walked into the corn field, not as yet seeing the two farmers, and began examining ears of corn. He took several of them, putting them in a bag that was part of the one piece suit.

At that point, Hector’s brother “jumped up and tried to scare him away”. At first the being didn’t move, but when the brother started walking towards him, the entity began floating to the craft and went upwards into it as the brother continued to chase him. The then left, moving straight up.

For a bit, the brothers had difficulty moving and it was an hour before they had the strength to walk home. “The next day we both stayed in bed. We were too weak to sit up. I threw up several times and could not eat. My brother was very bad. He had a rash on his face and neck…”

Hector reports a shaman healer apparently helped with that rash. Ardy asks if they went to a doctor and was told they didn’t trust doctors unless they were the local shaman. He declined her offer to pay for a doctor. In follow-up inquiries to Mateo’s sister, Ardy learns they still have lingering health problems “but that doesn’t prevent him from making daily deliveries [of crops] to her house”.

Chapter Twenty-one

Witness: Ardy’s driver and guide Mateo shared his own encounter experience in the city of Q’uq’umatz.

Entity Descriptions:. Three very tall humanoids, eight to nine feet in height. Wore one piece suit with helmet covering heads and upper bodies and 2 cylinders on their backs. One supposed to be for breathing, the other observed to be emitting steam for propulsion for entering and exiting the craft. They had strides when walking three times longer than humans and didn’t appear to touch ground except when standing. Their suits were silver-grey and they had gloves that seemed to function as cameras. Mateo was too far to see facial features.

Craft Description:. No detailed description related in this account other than in the first of 2 different sightings during the morning of his encounters it hovered and later had landed.

Activity Description: Mateo had gone to the ruins of an ancient site outside town before daen and saw a craft descend from the clouds and hover above the ground. He saw three beings descend from it with two extending their gloved hands as if taking pictures of their surroundings. A third being seemed to be digging into the ground. (Mateo checked later and saw no signs of disturbance.). One of the beings then notices Mateo, points at him, and then the three seem to propel up into their hovering craft with steam emitting from one of the two cylinder tanks on their backs. The craft then departs.

Later that same morning he encounters them again when he sees them and their landed craft “near the bottom of the mountain” outside of town. “They were kneeling around an area. I was sure they were digging for something.” This time they seemed unconcerned with his presence.

After he sees them fly upward and towards the ancient city where he had sighted them near dawn earlier, he drives back into town and awaits at the Inn for his shopping family.

Section Three

(There are actually four sections in this book but I didn’t profile any of the very few cases she published from Honduras.) This section covers stories shared with her in Mexico in the course of 23 chapters. She had more extensive travels here than in Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras, making multiple repeat trips to key locales, both in retracing Stephens and Catherwood’s path and outside of that in Oaxaca City and San Cristobal in particular.

This section has more referencing to ancient lore, especially relating to the idea that the extraterrestrial visitors from ancient times were not necessarily responsible for guiding the developments of present human cultures then but that they were in fact the ancestors or original Maya, transplanted here from elsewhere.. There is also alot of referencing to a big transition from old and dysfunctional ways and cultures to a new one that has adopted new ways after hard lessons in a time of great disruption.

Despite a wealth of a couple dozen chapters and stories, I will conclude only with two that relate to contemporary areas of focus. First, is Chapter 40 where a young woman experienced adverse physical effects from a close encountering of a craft. The United States Congress at the end of 2021 included in their Defense spending bill a provision to address such effects being reported by military personnel after encountering closely craft exhibiting beyond-human technology.

And second, is Chapter 43 where the theme of a transitioning Change in the human culture is referenced, a theme often emphasized by the non human intelligences encountered over recent decades.

Chapter Forty

Witness: “Maria”, a Yucatec Maya age 31 and married mother of 6 girls.

Entity Description: Six three foot tall humanoids with large heads “too big for their bodies”. Described as wearing “glowing uniforms”.

Craft Description:. A first initial sighting, prior to later entity sighting, of a “fast and fleeting” metal object. Soon after entity sighting, a large round metal object seen close up with a strange smell detected and a mist felt.

Activity Description: Maria was walking some distance to collect wood when she saw “in a clump of trees” six small beings “standing around this round ball of light”. She described the light as bluish white and very bright. She also reported that the six had linked their arms and were standing very still.

Remebering a sighting of a fast and fleeting object in the sky earlier in the evening, she becomes anxious after spending some time watching them, out of sight. She runs to the highway and catches a ride from a neighbor in his truck, climbing into the open bed of it in the back. Even though it was a warm night, she felt cold and was shivering.

As he’s driving along, she sees a large round craft emerging from the stand of trees where she had been. She becomes frightened, and more distressed when

her neighbor stops by the side of the road as the craft comes hovering close above the truck. While he’s excited, climbing into the back of the truck to wave at it, she smells something strange and feels a mist. Then the craft leaves quickly in an upward fashion.

“The next day I was sick and stayed in bed. For a long time I was weak. I am stronger now.”. She tells Ardy that she had trouble breathing for awhile and felt weakness in her bones.

Chapter Forty-three

Witness: An elder named ‘Choc” in a village near Uxmal on the Yucatan peninsula.

Entity Description: The beings witnessed in the days prior to heavy development of the peninsula (begun in 1969) were human-like except for their larger height.

Craft Description: “It was round and big. It covered the whole village. It turned a bright sunny day into a dark day. It shaded the sun. Blue sparks of light spit out from underneath……”

Activity Description: Choc described to Ardy an event he witnessed as a boy, an event he said he heard happened other times occasionally prior to the mid 1970s when development on the Yucatan peninsula had turned the region into a popular tourist mecca. There was a celebration in his village, with a big feasting on food, that had drawn elders from nearby villages.

A large craft suddenly appeared over the village and hovered there initially for a bit. “Then three Sky Men appeared. They walked directly to the elders and escorted them onboard the ship. After an hour or so the elders came out of the ship.”

The elders shared that the beings talked “about the future of the Earth, and how the population growth and greed would bring about it’s destruction”. Survivors would begin a renewal of the human culture. Elaborating further, Choc told Ardy that the messaging shared noted that “there will be diseases at first” and that “people will be afraid to leave their homes”. Following this will be food shortages and wars.

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