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Abductions and Encounters, part two: Reported Features of Activities and Agendas

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

by Mike Jamieson

See part one here:

The above paper chronicles a growing awareness of the activities and agendas of what appears to be a group or network of specific types of non-human intelligences involved in "abducting" humans and suppressing their memories of that experience.

This part two paper identifies what seems to have been reportedly exposed since the time period in the mid-1970s when investigators were just beginning to get a glimpse of activities that some investigators over time came to feel involved multiple generations of people in the same family lines, going back maybe to the 1890s. (The beginning time reference was asserted by David Jacobs, Temple University now-retired historian. It was a point made in a faq note at his now-offline website. The assertion was based on family lore of unusual encounters.)

In 1992 a M.I.T. physicist named David Pritchard and a Harvard psychologist named John Mack were co-chairs of a five day conference held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The invitation they had sent out stated: "We are organizing a scientific conference to assess the similarities and differences in the findings of various investigators studying people who report abductions by aliens, and the related issues of this phenomenon...."

That conference was attended by a well known and respected author named C.D.B. Bryan who in 1995 had his detailed reporting on that published by Alfred A. Knopf in the book "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien Abduction, UFOs, and The Conference at M.I.T.".

The two co chair each had great reputations, assuring a well attended and covered conference: Pritchard the recepient of the Broida Prize for experimental advances in atomic, molecular, and optical physics and Mack the recepient of the Pulitzer for his biography of Lawrence of Arabia.

Among the presenters at this conference were individuals who had been working with people reporting abduction experiences. This included Budd Hopkins (NY artist), David Jacob's (Temple University historian), John Carpenter (licensed clinical social worker) and John Mack (Harvard psychologist).

Another key presenter was Thomas "Eddie" Bullard, an Indiana State University academic and folklorist who had a valuable role as a cataloguer and analyzer of cases.

Bryan in his book covering this conference quoted Jacobs on the size of the abductee caseloads that he and his colleagues had at that time (1992): Hopkins had 1500, Jacobs 350, Carpenter 50 and Mack 50.

Bryan reported that invited attendees were tasked with 2 reading assignments:

David Jacob's 1992 book "Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions" and a 1987 paper by Thomas Bullard published by the Fund for UFO Research, "Comparative Study of Abduction Reports".

Decades later, Bullard developed a chart for the 2017 3rd edition of the UFO Encyclopedia, showing the frequency of reported aspects and features of abduction experiences. It was based on four studies of compiled cases, including the second required reading by Bullard assigned for the 1992 M.I.T conference:

1) Comparative Study of Abduction Reports. Vol 1 of UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Mount Ranier. MD; Fund for UFO Research 1987 by Thomas Bullard.

In The UFO Encyclopedia, 2017 3rd edition, vol 1, Thomas Bullard describes this paper as “a catalogue of reports in the literature up to 1985 [that] contains about 300 cases, 103 of which offer both extensibe information and a reliable investigation”.

2) The Sympathetic Ear: Investigators as Variables in UFO Abduction Reports; Mount Ranier, MD; Fund for UFO Research 1995 by Thomas Bullard.

Bullard in his UFO Encyclopedia article discussing alien abductions reports that this was “a survey of 13 abduction investigators’ draw on their collective experience with some 1,700 cases.”

3) “Commonalities and Disparities: Findings of the MUFON Abduction Study Project” in MUFON 1995 International UFO Symposium Proceedings by Dan Wright pgs 163-203.

Bullard describes this paper (pg 13 of The UFO Encyclopedia Vol 1): “Dan Wright’s MUFON Abduction Transcription Project results are based on 142 accounts directly from abductees”.

4) “What’s New in UFO Abductions? Has the Story Changed in 30 Years?” MUFON 1999 International Symposium Proceedings, pgs 170-99 by Thomas Bullard.

Bullard notes this was a comparative study of 437 cases from the literature.

In addition to developing a chart for the UFO Encyclopedia demonstrating the "sequence of episodes and events in the abduction story", Bullard developed tables using the data from the above four studies to show "location and duration of abductions", "description of entities' appearance and behavior", "description of craft", and "descriptions of mental and physical control". What follows are the specifics in data for each of these factors as noted by Bullard in his long encyclopedic article on the "Abduction Phenomenon" (with the relevant portion for this from pages 14 thru 22 from Volume 1, 2017 3rd edition, UFO Encyclopedia edited by Jerome Clark).


"An international cast comprises the samples, with abductees from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, France, Poland, Spain, South Africa, and other countries, including Russia and China....Abductees appear to be a cross-section of society...No obvious characteristics distinguish Abductees from their neighbors."

"Abductees report encounters from early childhood to old age, but one pattern that emerges from the distribution of ages is a distinct preference for the young. Few people 35 years or beyond are likely to experience abduction for the first time. Adult abductees often recall encounters as children followed by increasing attention from puberty through adulthood, but a noteworthy drop-off in frequency usually sets in with middle age."


"Abductions can happen anywhere, at home or away. In the early days of the phenomenon, highway captures predominated as people noticed and puzzled over interruptions of travel, but by the 1980s an intrusion in the night, with beings removing captives from their bedrooms, became the prevailing mode. An encounter may last as many as 20 minutes or as much as five days, but the usual duration is between one and three hours. Most abductions happen at night, but some 10-20% are daylight encounters. Most abductions involve a single captive, but some 10-20% include two or more captives, and cases with three or four testifying witnesses are well documented in the literature."

Sequence of Events:

Bullard notes that there are 8 possible episodes in an abduction event that occur in the following sequence:




~~Tour of the ship

~~Journey/Otherworldly Journey




"Few reports contain every episode; only capture and return are universal....and theophany is quite rare."

(Theophany means a religious or spiritual experience.)

Bullard reports that when any of the above episodes do appear they usually do so in the sequence shown above.

"A rigid order extends to events in the capture, examination, and return episodes as well. Capture unfolds in an escalating sequence of strange happenings as the abductee passes from observer to captive by gradual degrees. When driving or awake in the open, the subject first sees a UFO and soon notices changes in the environment such as stillness or silence, then begins to lose volition and mental control as paralysis or involuntary behaviors take over and entities appear to escort the abductee to the craft. When asleep in bed, the abductee usually awakes to find the abduction environment has already closed in. Light may pore through the window, and night sounds have fallen silent as the captive lies unable or barely able to move, while small beings approach and float the subject to their craft. Entry into the ship is frequently sudden, or often, the occasion for a momentary lapse of consciousness."

"The examination begins soon after entry, and the beings seem impatient to carry it out. The procedures follow a rigorous and recurrent itinerary in most reports. After preparation by undressing and sometimes by a cleansing process, the abductee lies on a table while a team of gray entities undertakes a manual examination by poking or touching the captive from head to toe. Handheld instruments may play a part at this time; then a device such as an eye or x-ray machine scans the captive's body. Other devices with tubes or wires may attach to the body, and the examiners may collect samples of blood, skin, hair, or other bodily materials."

"A key examination procedure is inspection of the reproductive organs, sometimes followed by the extraction of sperm from males and the apparent removal of eggs from females, sometimes by means of a needle inserted into the abdomen. Besides the reproductive system, the only other aspect of human physiology of seeming interest to the entities is the neurological system. The examiners may insert or remove a tiny implant from the head or spine of the abductee, and an entity may stand near the abductee's face to stare intently into his or her eyes. Performance tests or staged psychodramas which present illusory scenes and seem to probe human emotions and behavioral reactions may follow. These examinations progress with businesslike, even ruthless efficiency."

It should be noted that communication is via telepathy throughout all phases of the experience.

Bullard describes the next possible phase following examination:

"The entities often relax after the examination and become friendlier, sometimes conversing with the captive, sometimes drawing him or her into a formal conference. In some cases the conference merely extends the examination as they ask questions of interest to them. At other times the entities respond to questions, though their responses usually turn out to be evasions, lies, or nonsense. Sometimes an entity teaches or instructs the abductee for some future mission of an unclear nature, though the messages typically revolve around a coming cataclysm, some future disaster that the entities prophesy, or some consequence of human folly, such as ecological collapse..."

The next identified episode, "Tour", includes an experience that seemingly reveals something about the purpose behind these reported alien activities. "....Captives visit an incubatorium where fetus-like forms float in jars or tanks, or a nursery where cradles contain small, fragile, seemingly sick babies. On other occasions an abductee may report older children, half-human and half-alien hybrids. The entities encourage the abductee to touch and hold the listless babies or children, who seem to gain vitality from the interaction."

While onboard, some report either physically real journeys (where preparations for travel are made, like being placed in a liquid substance presumably for space travel) or visionary ones and ones that are like movie-peojections. That possible experience of taking a journey, and the next possible experience of have some sort of religious experience, are rare.

But, the final two episodes are common in most reports, the return of the abductee and the aftermath effects.

"The return episode largely reverses the procedures of the capture. The entities may bid their captive farewell, promise to meet again, and instruct the captive to forget the experience. Feelings of joy and rapture, or sadness at having to leave, are common among abductees at this time. The beings float or escort the abductee back to her or his previous location, though some abductees find themselves turned around in bed or their clothes improperly replaced. Once the ship departs, the abductee re-enters normal life, driving off again or going back to sleep while recollection of everything that happened since early in the capture sequence fades away to leave only a vague and troubling impression, an elusive sense that something strange occurred."

Bullard reports three stages for the "aftermath", immediate or short term, intermediate, and long term.

The immediate aftereffects include physical signs: eye irritation, nosebleed, sunburn, etc with indications of exams from hairline cuts, scoop-like marks and puncture wounds. There may be a typical behaviors like obsessive bathing.

Intermediate effects are psychological: anxiety in circumstances that may be akin to that involved with abductions (like doctor exams), phobias (fear of large eyed animals for example), nightmares, and flashbacks and memory return.

Noted long term effects include changes in lifestyle, development of psychic sensitivity, experiences with poltergeist activity and experiences or encounters with lurking "men in black".

Description of the entities:

"The predominate humanoid type most often takes the form of a short, hairless, gray-skinned with a bulging cranium and narrow jaw, enormous elongated eyes, a slit mouth, and vestigial nose and ears. Such beings range from two and a half to five feet tall, typically have a thin, frail build and hands with fewer than five digits....Their usual dress is a coverall or one-piece jumpsuit, often skintight, perhaps even so snug that the beings appear (or are) nude. They glide by flotation or levitate much of the time, though when they walk they seem either clumsy or stiff and rapid with military precision. By far the usual means of communication between entities and abductees is telepathy, though the beings may converse among themselves with gibbering sounds. Abductees seldom distinguish gender among humanoids, though in some cases one of them may seem more feminine than the rest. Tall Grays (5 to 6 feet) look like short Grays and appear in 20 to 25% of reports."

Other types of beings observed have been reptilian humanoids as supportive security and tall, spindly insect-like humanoids similar to mantis-type beings that some abductees feel are in charge of operations.

In about 20% of the case samples spanning 1957 to 1996, a human-looking being known as "Nordics" is reported being in the mix onboard. They are more dominant in British reports. They are described as tall, blond, blue-eyed and friendly.

Ordinary humans have been seen also working with the Grays.

Bullard describes the atmosphere around them: "Abductees often feel like guinea pigs or livestock being processed, thanks to captors that are cold and businesslike--not cruel but indifferent to the fear or pain of their captives and concerned first and foremost with the rapid, efficient completion of the onboard procedures. As the beings instruct Abductees and coax them along, they often couch their messages in polite and reassuring terms, but the politeness seems a formality without substance and strikes Abductees as insincere or manipulative. The beings often evade questions or offer deceitful answers. Emotions are few among the Grays. They may react with surprise to some unexpected discovery..., show impatience if the abductee moves along too slowly, or become annoyed if the abductee looks too closely at them. A few abductees find the entities warm and considerate, but these qualities most often belong to Nordics or leader-liason humanoids, not the crew in general."

"Not all Abductees feel alienated from their captors. A few not only react favorably to them but sense some deeper tie, either a kinship with them or an origin on another world. Such people receive no better treatment from their captors but feel more comfortable with the abduction experience. In recent years, more abductees have been willing to accept that the entities have good intentions, if not good manners, and are trying to save the world."

Description of the craft:

The most common shape is the familiar disc with cylindrical, sphere, delta, boomerang and other shapes reported. Sometimes no shape is evident, just a luminous source.

A beam of light is often seen issuing from craft as a means to transport abductees onboard.

Bullard describes the commonly reported features of the interior: "Inside the craft abductees may see a small antechamber where they await examination, an examination room itself, a conference room or lecture hall, an incubatorium or nursery, a control room, and an engine room. Tunnel-like corridors may connect these parts of the ship. Furnishings are sparse, with computer-like instruments in the control room and a device with crystalline rotors in the engine room. On rare occasions abductees describe a transport room with a tank or protective chair where the abductee stays during a journey. No one sees living quarters for the crew...."

The exam room is described as round with smooth surfaces and soft light from unseen sources. The atmosphere is often misty or hazy and a little cold.


This is a short overview of the abduction phenomenon. Journalists (and Congressional staff) will be well served obtaining references like the two volumes, 3rd edition UFO Encyclopedia (edited by Jerome Clark), 2017. The listing of published sources therein that are related to alien abductions is a very extensive guide for further study.

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