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LINKS: Published Online Resources Related To Close Encounter Phenomena

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

~~~The Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research

Founded by the late Elaine Douglass and edited now by Manuel Lamiroy with content from regular and guest contributors:

~~~The Humanoid Catalogue (HUMCAT) maintained by the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies:

~~~Archive of the APRO Bulletin issues, maintained by Isaac Koi:

~~~The Anne and Whitley Strieber Collection at Rice University includes thousands of letters from people describing their own close encounter experiences (some published in the "Communion Letters" book):

~~~Preston Dennett YouTube channel sharing close encounter accounts:

~~~Online access to content from "Myth and Mystery of UFOs" by Thomas E. Bullard, a university academic and folklorist studying encounters for decades:

~~~The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Encounter (FREE) has published works based on online surveying of encounter experiencers and analysis by academics. Contact modalities inclusive of paranormal phenomena and concepts from esoteric spirituality:

~~~Retired (since 2014) Temple University professor David Jacobs and his alien abductions investigations and research is profiled in this summer 2021 magazine issue. (His own previous website is now offline.)

~~~The Mutual UFO Network's "experiencer survey" has detailed questions related to encounter and abduction experiences here:

~~~A Western Michigan University student's 2000 thesis (100 pages) profiling the record of encounters and abduction contacts and arguing for serious attention from anthropologists. In pdf form:

Ostensible Abductions, Real Anthropology - ScholarWorks at WMU

~~~The late Budd Hopkins, a NY artist who developed a parallel role addressing alien abductions, no longer has a surviving website presence ("Intruders Foundation") but publisher weekly displays his works with brief reviews of each, here:

~~~A 2014 news article in Philadelphia Inquirer on retired Temple University historian David Jacobs and his work on alien abduction cases.

~~~There is a movement of different networks of people and solitary persons going outside to UFO hotspots and isolated countryside areas to try out methods (meditation and telepathic messages, flashlight and lasers, etc) to initiate contact with visiting extraterrestrials:

~~~Ralph Blumenthal's September 2021 article on alien abductions in The Debrief:

~~~Daily news links:

~~~Essay by MUFON field investigator and Experiencer Research Team member (ERT), "Understanding The Ways To Help An Experiencer":

~~~Link to "Wild Kosmos" pdf. In tweet by Jay Christopher King...."Here's an excellent and inspiring paper Dr Esbjörn-Hargens wrote that goes into much more depth on this issue, 'Our Wild Kosmos! An Exo Studies Exploration of the Ontological Status of Non-Human Intelligences'."

~~~The network of therapists and others provide support for experiencers of paranormal phenomena and alien encounters and abductions:

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