~~~NASA has this page briefly profiling some of the discovered planets beyond our solar system. As of Dec 30 2022, there are 5,235 Exoplanets detected:
~~~The detection of Exoplanets has been done by discerning them transiting in front of stars from our position. There is a dip in light seen as it transits. So far, direct images have been very rare:
~~~The James Webb Space Telescope has detected it's first exoplanet and atmosphere spectrum analysis of elements expected this summer (likely no life despite size of earth, is several hundred degrees warmer, a factor already discerned):
~~~Largest batch of planets found in habitable zone, around Trappist-1:
~~~Innermost planet's atmosphere (or lack thereof) in Trappist-1 system (40 light years away) is read. The three rocky planets (out of 7) in habitable zone not yet read:
~~~A method to discern if exoplanets have magnetic field detected 12 light years away:
~~~Water vapor has been detected from either red dwarf star or a closeby rocky planet (at 800 degrees likely too hot for life):
~~~Updated May 2023 NASA post on info re seven planets surrounding Trappist-1 system just 40 light years away:
~~~TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) detects rocky, earth-size planet around star 90 light years distant; many volcanoes may create atmosphere and have at least microscopic life due to water vapor:
~~~Latest on Trappist-1 system:
~~~News re atmospheric conditions on planet in system 120 light years distant: