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"Slide Nine" Identification of Unusual Capacities


Updated: Feb 5, 2023

by Mike Jamieson

Looking at the traits evident in close encounters of the 3rd and 4th kind, we see beings with capacities and an awareness far beyond the common attainment of human beings. In fact, based on those types of cases, the Pentagon program known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program produced a slide for apparently internal presentations and which we know about from it emerging after it was found at an unsecured page at Christopher Mellon’s website. (Mellon is a former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.)

It is now known famously as Slide 9. Its contents:

“DoD Threat Scenario (AATIP Sub-Focus Areas)

The science exists for an enemy of the United States to manipulate both physical and cognitive environments in order to penetrate U.S. facilities, influence decision makers, and compromise national security

— Psychotronic weapons 

— Cognitive Human Interface

 — Penetration of solid surfaces 

— Instantenous sensor disassembly

 — Alteration/Manipulation of biological organisms

 — Anomalies in the space/time construct 

— Unique cognitive interface experiences

DoD Advantages 

 — DoD has been involved in similiar experiments in the past

 — DoD has relationships with renowned subject matter experts 

— DoD controls several facilities where activities have been detectedWhat was considered “phenomena” is now quantum physics”

In the traditions of India and elsewhere, yogic-meditation practices often have the side effect of manifesting what are called “siddhis”, meaning powers or enhanced capacities. The primary point of such practices is not to cultivate those powers but for the direct realization of ones essential nature as the sense of Being, non dual and non local Consciousness Itself and unconditioned Bliss.

The above capacities in the DoD slide are siddhis being examined by covert government programs, as noted in the final lines. That includes remote viewing and psychokinetic experiments.

The unusual capacities described above are commonly reported in cases of close encounters of the 3rd and 4th kind:


Bodily penetration of solid surfaces

Going invisible and reappearing

Psychokinetic control of human biology, neurologically.

One of my favorite stories from Dr. Ardy Clarke’s first book involves a snow plow driver from Alaska who is astonished by a small sized alien able to go from outside his cab to inside by just instantly appearing there. He asks about it and receives a telepathically delivered answer that humans also had this potential: “He said I could do it too. I just had to learn to use my brain in the right way. I didn’t understand what he meant.”

Do we have the tools already in place?



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